Tag: leftovers

Ground Turkey and Veggie Casserole

If you’ve scrolled through my recipes on this site or on my instagram (@GrainFreeComfortFood) you know I have a love affair with Whatever’s-In-The-Fridgettatas. Well the same rule goes for casseroles! When I come home from a long day, sometimes I just want to pre-heat the oven, grab whatever’s in the […]

Veggie Purée Soup

Thanksgiving is finally in the rearview mirror and while everyone is making their turkey bone broth and stuffing waffles (yes, that is a thing), I had a metric TON of veggies leftover and not a clue what to do with them. Then the idea hit me like a delicious, hearty […]

Fridge-ttata: The Sequel!

Sunday mornings are my favorite days to make fridge-ttatas. There’s nothing better than spending a lazy morning clearing out whatever spare ingredients are chillin’ and throwing them in a beautiful brunch frittata. (It’s also great for lunch AND dinner!) From veggies to meats to cheeses to random leftovers, you call […]

Shrimp Cauli-Rice Risotto

A creamy risotto is almost always the most decadent thing to order when you’re out to dinner. The warm, savory goodness is delicious and so filling (unless everyone else at the table makes you give them a bite!)    Not only do I highly recommend making this at home, but […]

Hasselback Chicken with Bonus Next-Day Dip Recipe

I’ve recently become obsessed with Hasselback-ing chicken. (And no it has nothing to do with football players or conservative women from The View). When you Hasselback potatoes, you basically cut them accordion-style. But when you Hasselback chicken, you cut several slits into the chicken breast and fill the slits with […]