Tag: sausage

Fridge-ttata #4! Sausage and Fresh Herb Frittata

Few things make me happier than a whatever’s-in-the-fridge-ttata to start the weekend off right. These are truly my favorite little weekend food challenges at it is almost impossible to screw it up! Just take some yummy ingredients out of the fridge, combine, cooke and enjoy!

Grain-Free Sausage Biscuits

With the holidays upon us, I am more focused than usual on appetizers. Tis the season to whip up something wonderful and watch it disappear before your eyes at your holiday get-together. But with so many delicious recipes, where do you even start? Drum roll please… Sausage biscuites! There is […]

Fridge-ttata: The Sequel!

Sunday mornings are my favorite days to make fridge-ttatas. There’s nothing better than spending a lazy morning clearing out whatever spare ingredients are chillin’ and throwing them in a beautiful brunch frittata. (It’s also great for lunch AND dinner!) From veggies to meats to cheeses to random leftovers, you call […]

Sheet Pan Sausage and Veggies

Whenever I present these recipes on my “Eat Your Feelings” Segment on The Adam Carolla Show, I often boast about how easy the recipes are. And whenever I do, Adam generally calls “BS”. I get it…multi-step cooking isn’t for everybody. So this time, I tried to come up with a […]

Grab-and-Go Frittata Cups

I love breakfast food. Like any time of day. But sometimes it’s nice to shake things up a bit. Behold…the frittata cup! There are lots of takes on the “egg muffin” but mine is simple and and tasty and loaded with veggies. (Feel free to change up whatever veggies ya […]